Masters Programs
For both the MA and MS, the student’s program must include a minimum of 30 hours of graduate credit beyond the bachelor’s degree (or its equivalent). Fifteen of the 30-hour minimum must be selected from courses numbered at 8000 or 9000 level; no more than 40% of the 30-hour credit requirement can be satisfied by Research, Readings and Problems coursework.
In consultation with one’s graduate advisor, each student is required to enroll in selected “core” courses appropriate to her/his degree program. The academic program should be established in consultation with one’s adviser.
+MA Program
The creative project-based MA plan of study is preparation for advanced careers in the design professions and higher education. The non-thesis project is conducted in one or two areas: (1) environment and behavior or (2) design with digital media. The MA project is an in-depth investigation of a design problem culminating in a design solution or visual research presentation.
+MS Program
The MS may be a research-based study OR a design and research-based professional review design project. The MS culminates in a thesis meeting University thesis requirements. The MS plan of study is in preparation for advanced professional practice or preparation for the doctoral degree.
Research is conducted in one of two emphasis areas: (1) environment and behavior studies or (2) design with digital media. Within each of these emphasis areas, specific course work is chosen on the basis of subject matter and the type of research method selected: quantitative, qualitative or a combination of both.